Combine MCS of emissions from Reference and monitoring period into emission reductions
Depending on how the period is defined and if the data are annualized or not, calculate the Emission Level for a reference or monitoring period for each simulation.
path <- system.file("extdata/example1-4pools.xlsx", package = "mocaredd")
cs <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "c_stocks", na = "NA")
ad <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "AD_lu_transitions", na = "NA")
usr <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "user_inputs", na = "NA")
time <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "time_periods", na = "NA")
time_clean <- time |> dplyr::mutate(nb_years = year_end - year_start + 1)
sim_trans <- fct_combine_mcs_E(.ad = ad, .cs = cs, .usr = usr)
#> Error in pmap(combi, function(period, lu) { c_sub <- filter(.cs, .data$c_period == period, .data$c_lu_id == lu) c_check <- fct_check_pool(.c_sub = c_sub, .c_unit = .usr$c_unit, .c_fraction = .usr$c_fraction)}): could not find function "pmap"
sim_REF <- fct_combine_mcs_P(
.data = sim_trans,
.time = time_clean,
.period_type = "REF",
.ad_annual = usr$ad_annual
#> Error in purrr::map(unique(time_ref$period_type), function(x) { dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dplyr::filter(dplyr::left_join(.data, time_ref, by = c(time_period = "period_no")), .data$period_type == x), .data$sim_no, .data$period_type), E_sim = round(sum(.data$E_sim * .data$nb_years)/length_ref, 0), .groups = "drop")}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'sim_trans' not found
sim_MON <- fct_combine_mcs_P(
.data = sim_trans,
.time = time_clean,
.period_type = "MON",
.ad_annual = usr$ad_annual
#> Error in purrr::map(unique(time_ref$period_type), function(x) { dplyr::summarise(dplyr::group_by(dplyr::filter(dplyr::left_join(.data, time_ref, by = c(time_period = "period_no")), .data$period_type == x), .data$sim_no, .data$period_type), E_sim = round(sum(.data$E_sim * .data$nb_years)/length_ref, 0), .groups = "drop")}): ℹ In index: 1.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'sim_trans' not found
## !!! SIM MON and ER to be done