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Tests 6 types of conformity with the app template to avoid code break during analysis: (1) column names, (2) tables' size, (3) data types, (4) categories names, (5) unique IDs and (6) matching key variables between tables.


fct_check_data2(.usr, .time, .ad, .cs, .checklist)



User inputs' table for the shiny app (user_inputs)


the 'time' table from the tool input file (see template)


Activity Data input table for the shiny app (AD_lu_transitions)


Carbon Stock input table for the shiny app (c_stocks)


list of coded category variables used in the template.


A dataframe with TRUE or FALSE (TRUE if each check passes), and broad error locations if FALSE.



path <- system.file("extdata/example1-4pools.xlsx", package = "mocaredd")

cs <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "c_stocks", na = "NA")
ad <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "AD_lu_transitions", na = "NA")
usr <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "user_inputs", na = "NA")
time <- read_xlsx(path = path, sheet = "time_periods", na = "NA")

app_checklist <- list(
  xlsx_tabs  = c("user_inputs", "time_periods", "AD_lu_transitions", "c_stocks"),
  cat_cunits = c("DM", "C"),
  cat_cpools = c("AGB", "BGB", "DW", "LI", "SOC", "ALL"),
  cat_racti  = c("DF", "DG", "EN", "EN_AF", "EN_RE"),
  cat_ptype  = c("REF", "REF[0-9]", "MON", "MON[0-9]"),
  cat_pdf    = c("normal", "beta"),
  col_usr    = c("trunc_pdf", "n_iter", "ran_seed", "c_unit", "c_fraction", "c_fraction_se",
                 "c_fraction_pdf", "dg_ext", "dg_pool", "ad_annual", "conf_level"),
  col_time   = c("period_no", "year_start", "year_end", "period_type"),
  col_ad     = c("trans_no",  "trans_id",  "trans_period",  "redd_activity", "lu_initial_id",
                 "lu_initial",  "lu_final_id", "lu_final", "trans_area", "trans_se",
                 "trans_pdf", "trans_pdf_a", "trans_pdf_b", "trans_pdf_c"),
  col_cs     = c("c_no",  "c_id", "c_period", "lu_id", "lu_name",  "c_pool",  "c_value",
                 "c_se",  "c_pdf",  "c_pdf_a",  "c_pdf_b",  "c_pdf_c")

app_checklist$cat_cpools_all <- c(app_checklist$cat_cpools, "RS", "DG_ratio", "C_all")

fct_check_data2(.ad = ad, .cs = cs, .usr = usr, .time = time, .checklist = app_checklist)
#> Error in fct_check_data2(.ad = ad, .cs = cs, .usr = usr, .time = time,     .checklist = app_checklist): unused argument (.checklist = app_checklist)